strawberry poison dart frog

My favourite frogs :D

by Jessica Petkova 8a ^^

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          The strawberry-poison dart frog is a species of small poison dart frog found in Central America. The species is often found in humid forests, but large populations are also found in disturbed areas such as plantations.Though brightly colored and toxic, these frogs are relatively small, growing to approximately 17.5–22 mm in standard length. The strawberry-poison dart frog is a popular frog in captivity, due to its striking colors and unique life cycle. It's most famous for its widespread variatio"blue
              jeans"n in coloration, comprising approximately 15–30 color morphs, most of which are presumed to be true-breeding.One example of a color morph is the blue jeans morph. It is most common throughout the species range, but is relatively rare in the United States pet trade. This frog, while not the most poisonous of the dendrobatis is the most toxic member of its genus. The strawberry poison-dart frog can often be found in leaf litter in both forested and disturbed areas. Studies have shown that the optimal habitat is determined by the male. Males tend to expend more energy defending smaller but higher quality areas. There has also been evidence that the better competitors and fighters are the males guarding smaller sites with higher female density. Females, on the other hand, simply distribute themselves according to tadpole rearing (raising) sites. ☆
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