strawberry poison dart frog

My favourite frogs :D

by Jessica Petkova 8a ^^

glass frog
Glass frog
Strawberry frog
Wallace's flying frog
Desert Rain frog
Argentine horned frog
Wallace's flying frog, also known as the gliding frog or the Abah River flying frog, is a moss frog found at least from the Malay Peninsulwallace's flying froga into western Indonesia, and is present in Borneo and Sumatra. It is named for the biologist, Alfred R. Wallace, who collected the first known specimen.
This frog is quite photogenic, due to its large size, brilliant colors, and interesting behavior. Its back is bright shiny green and the underside is white to pale yellow. The upper sides of the inside toes, as well as the outer parts of the toe and finger webbing, are brilliant yellow. The base of the webs and one flank spot per side are jet black. Overall, this frog looks much like the green flying frog and R. kio, which froggieeven if full grown do not reach the size of Wallace's flying frog, though, and have more orange web fringes.
They live almost exclusively in the trees, and leaps and "flies" from tree to tree or to bushes. When threatened or in search of prey, they will leap from a branch and splay their four webbed feet. ☆
Wallace's flying frog Wiki page